Meet Will…

Hello. My name is Will and I'm a Certified Firearms Instructor. I'm also a USPSA Competition Shooter with several years of competitive shooting experience. As a performance shooter, I teach people how to run their guns more efficiently and aggressively.

I have over a decade of experience as a certified personal trainer along with 5 years of experience coaching collegiate track and cross country. This experience helps me to build programs for students that allow them to improve as fast as possible. Shooting is a sport and must be treated holistically or the student will miss critical elements vital to their development. Students receive personalized attention and homework assignments that allow them to continue to improve even when we are not meeting at the range or online.

My students enjoy my patient and supportive teaching style. I take great pride in helping students develop the skills and confidence needed to safely and effectively handle firearms. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced shooter, I can help you take your shooting skills to the next level.

Contact me today for a free consultation.